
+47 22 13 18 00

+47 22 13 18 00
  1. Why have I received two bottles?
    Occasionally multiple bottles are required to meet the need for analysis. If you have ordered, for example, both microbiology and chemical analyzes, one bottle is sterile and will be used for microbiological testing.
  2. How do I know that well water is OK to drink?
    We recommend microbiological examination of your drinking water. These analyzes give you bacterial content in the water. If the test results are below the limits of the Drinking Water Regulations, the water is healthy to drink. 
  3. My water is discolored. Is it dangerous?
    If the water is brown, it may be both organic matter (TOC) and iron. It's probably not dangerous, most likely it's humus particles, but it's obviously worth checking.
  4. How often should I analyze my water
    Once a year at least.
  5. What should I do if I can not find answers to what I want to know?
    Send an email to info.on@alsglobal.com and we will help you. In this way, you also help us improve our FAQ.
  6. How do I interpret the results?
    Once you get the results, check them up to the limit values in https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2016-12-22-1868/%C2%A71#KAPITTEL_1. We also have a help page.
  7. What do I need to watch when I take the sample?
    The most important thing is not to contaminate the sample, ie to bring foreign matter to the top or to put on the bag or in a bottle. This is especially true of microbiology. Please use disposable gloves and let the water flow for a few minutes before trying. 
  8. I have analyzed for microbiology. What else should I test my well water for?
    We recommend, in addition to the microbiological analyzes, that it is analyzed for iron, manganese, organic matter (TOC) and color. Iron and manganese can come from bedrock and give poor taste and discoloration to laundry and sanitary equipment. Analysis of TOC and color gives an indication of whether organic matter is present.
  9. Soap does not foam in the water, what does this mean?
    It may be that you have so-called "hard water". This often occurs where there is calcareous bedrock. We recommend an analysis of water hardness, which is a measure of the amount of lime, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg).
  10. My relatively new hot water tank is rusting and I suspect it may be water. What should I analyze to find out if the water is the problem?
    If you have your own water source, the water may contain corrosive components such as sulphate and chloride or that it is acidic, which may cause parts of less precious metal in the hot water tank to start to rust. Although the water in the starting point does not have such properties, the use of softening filters may cause the water entering the tank to have a higher salt content because the filters emit this during the softening process. Therefore, if you have different types of cleaners on their system, it is recommended to sample the water before and after the filters to document the effect of the cleaning filters. Current analyzes: Chloride, Sulphate, pH, Conductivity, Hardness, Alkalinity, Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium.
  11. The water emits color on the porcelain in places where it drips / flows regularly. What should I analyze for?
    If the discoloration is brown: We recommend analyzing for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), organic matter (TOC) and color. If the discoloration is green, copper (Cu) should also be analyzed.
  12. My white laundry becomes discolored / gray after I have washed it. What could it be?
    It may be a high content of organic matter and / or iron / manganese and bicarbonate.
  13. I get deposits in my pipes or on the sink / toilet that can come from the water. What could it be?
    This may indicate either calcium deposits or oxide deposits. We recommend analysis of the amount of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and carbonate.
  14. I live in a radon-exposed area and have private groundwater source. What should I do?
    We recommend analyzing the radon content in your water.

Only 3 Steps Needed:


Pay fee

Pay the Fee for your test. All major credit and debit cards accepted. We will despatch the sample bottles the same day.


Fill bottles and return to the Lab

Bottles can be dropped off at any of our sites or you can return by post. To view a list of drop off points, please click here.


Receive Results by Email

Certificate of Analysis will be issued to you within 10 working days of receipt of your water bottles by the laboratory.